ALERT: The Unsafe Water alert order has been lifted by the State Water Board. Residents within our Water System can safely resume using their tap water for drinking and all other purposes.

Read the Latest Water Alert Notice as of 3/10/25.


Rubio Cañon

Land & Water Association

Water Conservation

Working Together to Conserve Water

Altadena is a semi-desert area which depends on limited supplies of imported water to supplement local water. Water conservation is always important, especially during times of sub-normal rainfall. Please do your part in helping our community to continue to conserve our most precious resource.
 Conservation Tips - Indoors
  • Fix leaking faucets and valves, etc.
  • Use flow restrictors in shower heads and cut down on showering time.
  • Don’t over fill the bathtub
  • Put filled plastic bottles in toilet tanks and/or lower float level to cut down on water per flush
  • Run a full load for laundry and dishwashers
  • Collect cool water that runs prior to shower warm-up and use it to water house plants
  • Don’t leave the water on while shaving or brushing your teeth
  • Don’t rinse dishes under an open faucet. Use a container or fill the sink once to wash dishes
Conservation Tips – Outdoors
  • Fix leaking sprinkler valves and adjust sprinkler and irrigation systems to avoid overspray and run-off.
  • Avoid watering on windy days
  • Keep sprinkler heads clean and unobstructed so they can do their job efficiently
  • Don’t clean your driveway or other paved areas with a hose.Use a broom.
  • Use a bucket to wash your car and keep a nozzle on your hose to avoid excess run-off
  • Give plants and shrubs a layer of mulch to keep the soil moist longer
  • Use native shrubs or ground covering that requires little water Irrigate lawns and landscaping before 9:00 am or after 5:00 pm
  • Where possible, install and use spa and swimming pool covers to reduce evaporation
Lawn Watering
Lawn watering uses nearly half of the water around most homes. Most of us tend to water too often and leave the sprinklers on too long. Turf studies have shown that most lawns only need to be watered once every 3 days to stay healthy and green. Visit for design tips on installing and operating your irrigation system.

Rubio Cañon Land & Water Association

583 East Sacramento St., Altadena, CA 91001

Rubio Office Hours

Monday - Thursday
7:30 AM - 12 Noon &
1:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Closed on Fridays

Mailing Address

PO Box 398
Altadena, CA 91003
PH: 626.797.0509
FAX: 626.797.0520

24 Hour Payment Drop Box Available