ALERT: The Unsafe Water alert order has been lifted by the State Water Board. Residents within our Water System can safely resume using their tap water for drinking and all other purposes.

Read the Latest Water Alert Notice as of 3/10/25.


Rubio Cañon

Land & Water Association

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the process when I have a water emergency?

1 - If you are encountering a large amount of water leaking, turn your main water valve off. This is typically located on the front side of your home where your water hose connects.
2 - If you are not sure what to do, call the RCLWA office at 626-797-0509.

What do I do if I suspect a leak or need repairs on my property?

Rubio has no responsibility for water pipes and connections on the shareholder’s side of the meter. It is the shareholders’ responsibility to keep their water systems in good working condition and free from leaks. However, if you need Rubio’s assistance in verifying a leak we will be glad to send out a service representative to help you.

How are the meters maintained?

Meters are maintained and checked each month during meter reading. If we suspect your meter needs repair and/or replacement we will change it out as needed. Keep in mind; we do not change out meters just because it is requested by a shareholder. It must be verified that the meter is not functioning properly.

How often do my water rates increase?

Rubio has a proven background in keeping our operation costs low, which in turn keeps the shareholder’s rates low. We are still one of the lowest water agencies in the Altadena area when it comes to rates and fees. We review our water rates every other year to ensure our rates are in line with the continued increases we receive from the Metropolitan Water District.

What are my monthly rates based on?

Rates are based on a combination of meter size and water usage. If you would like a copy of our rate structure please contact the office.

What does it mean to have a share of water stock?

Property owners are required to purchase one or more shares of stock to receive water service. There is no “Sale” value. All stock issued by Rubio is appurtenant to the land and stays with the property at the time of sale. Rubio will handle stock transfers at the time of sale and should be contacted for details.

How often do I receive a water bill?

Bills are sent out on or around the first of each month and are due 20 days from the billing date. If your bill is not paid by the due date, Rubio will assess a late fee of $10.00. A past due notice will be generated as a reminder. If the bill still has not been paid, Rubio may disconnect your service and charge you a reconnection fee.

Where can I find Rules and Regulations?


Can water straight from the tap be used in home kidney dialysis machines?

Tap water must go through further treatment in order to be used in a dialysis machine. Because the water comes into close contact with a patient’s blood, several substances like aluminum, fluoride, and chloramines must be removed from the water before it can be used.

How can I improve the taste of my drinking water?

Keep a pitcher of chilled tap water in the refrigerator. Not only will this improve the taste, it will help conserve water because you won't need to let the tap run until the water gets cold.

My water sometimes tastes different from season to season. Why?

Because your water is a blend of local groundwater and water imported from the Colorado River, you may notice a difference in taste or hardness at different times of year. None of these factors affect the safety of your water.

What are the benefits of fluoride?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the fluoridation of community drinking water is the most cost effective and safe way to reduce and control tooth decay. More than 50 years of scientific research has led to the conclusion that people who live in communities with fluoridated water have healthier teeth and fewer cavities than those living where water is not fluoridated.

What if I don't want to drink fluoridated water?

Home water treatment units that use reverse osmosis membrane filters can effectively remove fluoride from tap water. Most bottled water does not contain fluoride; check the label to be sure.

Policy on Discontinuation Of Residential Water For Special Hardship(s)

Rubio Cañon Land & Water Association

583 East Sacramento St., Altadena, CA 91001

Rubio Office Hours

Monday - Thursday
7:30 AM - 12 Noon &
1:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Closed on Fridays

Mailing Address

PO Box 398
Altadena, CA 91003
PH: 626.797.0509
FAX: 626.797.0520

24 Hour Payment Drop Box Available