ALERT: The Unsafe Water alert order has been lifted by the State Water Board. Residents within our Water System can safely resume using their tap water for drinking and all other purposes.

Read the Latest Water Alert Notice as of 3/10/25.


Rubio Cañon

Land & Water Association

Bills & Water Meters

Information Regarding Our Bills

Each shareholder will receive a bill on or around the first of each month. This bill reflects your meter charges, consumption usage, consumption charges, fire line charges and consumption history. The bill is due and payable upon receipt. As a courtesy Rubio will give a grace period for current charges and is listed on your bill under “Current Charges Due By”, if you receive a bill with a past due balance this requires immediate payment or you may be subject to a late fee and an interruption in your water service.
If you require assistance or need an extension feel free to contact our office. Payment extensions will only be granted upon request and history review. Payment plans or extensions will only be allowed twice in one year.

How To Read Your Water Meter and who is responsible for leaks

Rubio Cañon Land & Water Association

583 East Sacramento St., Altadena, CA 91001

Rubio Office Hours

Monday - Thursday
7:30 AM - 12 Noon &
1:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Closed on Fridays

Mailing Address

PO Box 398
Altadena, CA 91003
PH: 626.797.0509
FAX: 626.797.0520

24 Hour Payment Drop Box Available